Creativity Lives Here

Creativity Lives Here

The Evergreen Creative District (ECD) exists to ensure arts/cultural entities in our community are sustainable.

To celebrate Evergreen’s Creative Spirit the ECD recognizes Evergreen as a Haven for Creatives.

The ECD brings residents, patrons of the arts, the leaders of local arts/cultural organizations and creatives together to celebrate and sustain our Creative Community. We invite you to join us.

To learn more contact:

What is the Evergreen Creative District (ECD)?

The ECD is a 501 C3 non-profit established to preserve, protect and promote the cultural vitality, activities and quality of life afforded to area residents, visitors, and future generations.

Who comprises the Evergreen Creative Community?

Evergreen is unique as an unincorporated community. Without the aid of a local government, it’s the home of numerous festivals, creative organizations, and people pursuing creative careers. The ECD has documented a 150-year history of arts and cultural entities that comprise Evergreen’s Creative Industry. It is scheduled for publication this year in the Jefferson County Historical Journal.
You are considered a valued part of Evergreen’s Creative Industry if you identify with any of the following categories. We seek your help and involvement to sustain Evergreen as a “Haven for Creatives.
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Artrepreneures
  • Innovators
  • Visionaries
  • Imagineers
  • Arts Advocates and Patrons of the Arts

Why is the Evergreen Creative District needed?

Like other creative communities across Colorado and nationally, our creative community is in a fragile state. It’s time to acknowledge that reality and act.
  • Beneath the surface of all you enjoy, our community is losing “creatives” to places that are more affordable, with lower costs of living.
  • Each year arts and cultural organizations responsible for our festivals, arts programing, arts education, the Visual/Performing/Literary/Culinary arts entities, and a host of other art/cultural opportunities we enjoy, are increasingly reliant on unpredictable traditional funding or a dwindling pool of government grants and resources.
  • ECD recognizes that action needs to be taken to ensure all segments of our creative community are sustainable.

How is the Evergreen Creative District different from other area arts/cultural/civic organizations you maybe already supporting?

ECD works closely with other organizations to help them develop programing and meet their goals. They look to us, following guidelines from Colorado Creative Industries (CCI) a division of the Colorado Office of Economic Development (OEDIT), as an organization that can spearhead the protection, promotion, and preservation of arts organizations in Evergreen. ECD is unique in being able to offer the creative community tools, guidance, networking opportunities, and linkage with other entities to stabilize/sustain and allow them to thrive. One of ECD initiatives also involves developing a granting program to subsidize other creative entities.

The ECD board is comprised of people in leadership positions within our arts and cultural community, business entities and people who identify with the categories listed earlier. We act to facilitate and give voice to Evergreen’s Creative Industry and develop a working relationship with a wide range of local, state, and federal agencies. We work to strengthen the lifestyle our residents cherish. To sustain it for you, your children, and the future of Evergreen.

What can you do to help?

Join the Evergreen Creative District. Proclaim “Creativity Lives Here! Help us gain state certification as a Creative District. Become an ECD member, sponsor, or patron. Share your creative passion, dreams, and goals. Post area arts/cultural related events and activities to the ECD calendar. Urge others to become ECD members.

Get involved, donate to ECD, and help us sustain our creative community!

Venue | Organizer | Help Request

Submit a request for a new Venue and/or a new Organizer to be added to the site (or general help). Provide as much detail as possible. This information will be available to anyone adding an event in the future. You will get a confirmation email letting you know it’s ready.

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Contact Mary Jo Reinhard, Secretary

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Contact Christine Emery, Treasurer

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Contact Alan Rubin, Vice President

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Contact Sarah Hess, President

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Contact Ron Isaacson, Executive Director

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Questions | Comments | Suggestions

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