Creativity Lives Here

Choose a Role

You can support our creative community, promote your creative efforts, volunteer with various arts organizations, or make a charitable contribution to support the ECD.

ECD Community Member


This is an introductory offer as our site comes together. This offer will not last long.

Support our Creative Community. ECD protects and preserves the quality of life we cherish and provides opportunities for connection and collaboration between members.



Signing up as a volunteer let’s you connect with artists in the field that your talents support.

Can you assist in stage design? Can you smile and stamp patron’s hands at an event? Let’s get you in touch with the folks who could use your help!


Generosity Accepted

Any amount is accepted and all amounts are appreciated!

Venue | Organizer | Help Request

Submit a request for a new Venue and/or a new Organizer to be added to the site (or general help). Provide as much detail as possible. This information will be available to anyone adding an event in the future. You will get a confirmation email letting you know it’s ready.

Organizer stuff...

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Contact Mary Jo Reinhard, Secretary

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Contact Christine Emery, Treasurer

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Contact Alan Rubin, Vice President

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Contact Sarah Hess, President

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Contact Ron Isaacson, Executive Director

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Questions | Comments | Suggestions

Let’s hear it! We’re quick to respond.

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