This offer is available to facilitate our burgeoning community. This will not last forever and only applies to the first year of membership, after which renewals will occur at the designated price unless otherwise communicated.
Also included in membership:
$ 50.00 Collaborative Membership Discount is available to these ECD business members who are members of the following membership organizations: Center for the Arts Evergreen, Ovation West, Evergreen Players, Evergreen Chorale, Evergreen Chamber of Commerce
All member benefits plus:
This option is available on a per-event basis and will be negotiated based on the package. Please coordinate with a Board Member to organize details.
This is a catchall contact form. Please provide as much detail as possible regarding your request. You will get a confirmation email letting you know your request has been implemented or an email with follow up questions. Keep an eye on your inbox and Spam folders, just in case.
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