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CAE Art of Wine and Cheese Pairing with Janet Schaus

August 17 @ 6:00 PM

Saturday, August 17 | 6 -8 pmInstructor: Janet Schaus
$75 per student (21+ only)
Min 5 students; Max 20 students

Wine & Cheese Pairing 


Join us for a journey of old-world wine and cheese with cheese monger, Janet Schaus. We will explore and pair four classic artisan cheeses and three thoughtfully curated wines. Learn the history and traditions behind each cheese and why their flavor profiles pair with these natural wines. We will discuss what makes a good pairing, the proper way to taste and identify cheese, why wine and cheese have such an illustrious history together, and tips on choosing cheeses to pair with your favorite wine. We will guide you on how to host a successful wine and cheese pairing on your own. This fun, hands-on class will satisfy your tastebuds and curiosity.


Three wine pours, four cheeses (2 oz of each per person), accouterments (dried fruit, nuts, chocolate, crackers, etc.)


August 17
6:00 PM
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