Creativity Lives Here

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Center for the Arts Evergreen
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The mission of CAE is to enrich and serve our mountain community by promoting and cultivating the arts through quality educational programs, exhibitions, and events.
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The mission of CAE is to enrich and serve our mountain community by promoting and cultivating the arts through quality educational programs, exhibitions, and events.
Cultural Organizations, Event Centers, Galleries, Music Arts, Non-profit Arts, Visual Artists and Craftspeople
Non-profit Arts

Venue | Organizer | Help Request

Submit a request for a new Venue and/or a new Organizer to be added to the site (or general help). Provide as much detail as possible. This information will be available to anyone adding an event in the future. You will get a confirmation email letting you know it’s ready.

Organizer stuff...

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Contact Mary Jo Reinhard, Secretary

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Contact Christine Emery, Treasurer

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Contact Alan Rubin, Vice President

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Contact Sarah Hess, President

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Contact Ron Isaacson, Executive Director

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Questions | Comments | Suggestions

Let’s hear it! We’re quick to respond.

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